**New, Redesigned PRO-GUIDE34 STEEL weighted tune kit having a STEEL Body + 2 Helical guides-provides another level of power performance.
A THICKER, heavier machined Steel outer-guide that brings beam strength IN-LINE quickly dampend shot harmonics with two synthetic internal damping guides. Both near equal length including our NEW machined 1 pc internal HELICAL GUIDE slip fitted onto the spring guide into a high-yield, open-coil spring wire. This design allows use of both end coils for more accurate power output across same product line. As well as providing the user an easier cocking effort at full power output! Will not over shoot older warn tolerance of compression tube. We also offer custom mfg spring coil count, more or less power output at no addition cost. ~Very quick, liner firing movement consistent deviations shot after shot. Very EZ installation!