Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish (8fl.oz/240ml)
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Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish (8fl.oz/240ml)

First Choice of Professionals for Stock Finishing!
Lagerstatus:I lager
379kr / st.

Birchwood Caseys Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish är (och har varit) den professionella kolvmakarens val i över 30-års tid. En unik blandning av linsfröolja och andra naturliga oljor som snabbt torkar in och kommer inte att gulna, spricka eller bli molnig över tid. 

Volym: 8 fl. oz / 240ml

Instruktioner (på engelska):  

1. Remove old finish if present. 

2. Sand to smooth wood and remove scratches, sand with the grain and wipe away all sanding dust. 

3. Apply oil directly from bottle, use your fingers or a cloth. Spread evenly and with the grain. Allow to dry thoroughly between coats, up to 24 hours may be required depending on conditions.

4. Buff lightly with 00 steel wool between coats if surface imperfections exist.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until grain is filled and the desired finish is obtained.

6. If desired, apply Birchwood Casey Gun Stock Wax for extra protection. 

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